Animal Stories

Exciting Survivor Spotlight at the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center

Meet Jesus, Our Juvenile Basilisk!

We are thrilled to introduce Jesus, a resilient and remarkable juvenile basilisk lizard, who has become a symbol of survival and adaptation at our center. Basilisks are often celebrated for their unique abilities and fascinating behaviors, and Jesus is no exception.

Another Name for Basilisk:
Basilisks are often dubbed the “Jesus Christ Lizard” due to their incredible ability to run on the surface of water for short distances, an adaptation that helps them escape predators. This remarkable skill is facilitated by their specially designed feet and swift movements, captivating the imagination of all who witness it.

Conservation and Education:
Basilisks, like Jesus, play a vital role in their ecosystems as both predator and prey. They help control insect populations, contributing to the balance of their habitats. However, habitat destruction and climate change pose threats to their survival. By focusing on the conservation of basilisks and their natural environments, we can ensure these unique creatures continue to thrive.

Educational Value:
Jesus provides an excellent opportunity for education on the importance of biodiversity and ecosystem health. Through learning about basilisks, visitors can understand the complexity of ecosystems and the need for conservation efforts. Educating the public about these unique lizards and their roles in their ecosystems can inspire future conservationists and foster a deeper appreciation for wildlife.

A Living Inspiration:
As a survivor, Jesus embodies the resilience of nature and the importance of conservation efforts. He serves as a reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve our planet’s incredible biodiversity. Let’s take inspiration from Jesus’s story to advocate for wildlife conservation and educate others about the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems.

In Loving Memory of Leo, Scar, and Simba

Today, we take a moment to honor and remember our cherished lionfish, Leo, Scar, and Simba, who tragically perished in a fire at our facility last year. These magnificent creatures were not just a part of our Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center family; they were ambassadors for ocean conservation, education, and the complex issue of invasive species.

Lionfish: Majestic Yet Invasive:
Lionfish, with their striking appearance and elegant, venomous spines, are native to the Indo-Pacific but have become invasive in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico. Their rapid proliferation poses a significant threat to reef ecosystems, outcompeting native species for food and habitat.

Educational Impact:
Leo, Scar, and Simba played a crucial role in educating our visitors about the beauty of marine life and the delicate balance of ocean ecosystems. Through them, we highlighted the importance of responsible aquarium trade practices and the need for research and innovation in managing invasive species.

Conservation and Invasive Species Management:
Their presence underscored the critical need for conservation efforts focused on protecting our marine environments from invasive species. They served as a living reminder of the impact humans have on the planet and the importance of taking action to mitigate these effects, such as participating in lionfish derbies or supporting research on biological control methods.

A Tribute to Their Legacy:
As we reflect on the loss of Leo, Scar, and Simba, let us renew our commitment to protecting our world’s oceans and all its inhabitants. Their memory inspires us to continue working towards a future where marine ecosystems thrive, free from the threats of invasive species.

In their memory, we encourage everyone to learn more about lionfish and the role each of us can play in ocean conservation. Whether through supporting reef conservation projects, advocating for sustainable seafood choices, or educating others about the impact of invasive species, we can honor Leo, Scar, and Simba by making a positive impact on our planet’s marine environments.

Introducing Spike, our resilient and fascinating Mexican Spiny-tailed Iguana!

Spike’s arrival provides us with an extraordinary chance to dive deep into the world of these unique creatures, highlighting their distinctive characteristics, conservation importance, and the educational insights they offer.

Unique Aspects of Mexican Spiny-tailed Iguanas:
Unlike other iguana species, Mexican Spiny-tailed Iguanas, like Spike, are known for their shorter, stouter bodies and significantly spiny tails, which they use defensively against predators. They’re also one of the fastest lizard species, capable of quick bursts of speed to escape danger or capture prey. Their coloration varies from a dull brown to a striking black, helping them absorb heat from the sun, which is crucial for their thermoregulation.

Conservation Importance:
The habitat of the Mexican Spiny-tailed Iguana spans across Central America and Mexico, often overlapping with human settlements, leading to habitat loss and other human-induced threats. Their role in their ecosystems is irreplaceable, as they help control insect populations and disperse seeds, aiding in vegetation growth. Conservation efforts are vital to ensure their survival, highlighting the need to protect their natural habitats and address the challenges they face due to human activity.

Educational Value at the Center:
Spike’s presence at our center serves as a live educational tool, allowing visitors to learn about the behavior, diet, and conservation needs of Mexican Spiny-tailed Iguanas. By observing Spike, guests can gain insights into the adaptability of these iguanas to various environments, their social behavior, and the importance of biodiversity. Education plays a crucial role in fostering a connection between humans and wildlife, encouraging a commitment to conservation efforts.

Why Mexican Spiny-tailed Iguanas Stand Out:
Their ability to thrive in a range of environments, from dry forests to rocky regions, sets them apart from other iguana species. Additionally, their diet, primarily consisting of fruits, leaves, and flowers, reflects their role as vital contributors to their ecosystem’s health. The Mexican Spiny-tailed Iguanas’ unique physical and behavioral traits not only make them fascinating subjects for study but also embody the beauty of biodiversity.


In Loving Memory of Barley: Our Cherished Vietnamese Potbelly Pig

Today, we take a moment to remember and celebrate the life of Barley, a beloved member of the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center family. Barley, a resilient Vietnamese Potbelly Pig, came into our lives from a rescue in Old Towne, a tiny, weeks-old piglet who had faced bullying and severe neglect.

Barley’s early days with us were filled with care and love, a stark contrast to his difficult start in life. Despite our efforts, we soon noticed something wasn’t right; Barley wasn’t eating well but was drinking an unusual amount of water. It was then that our vet discovered Barley had diabetes, a condition we rarely associate with animals, especially pigs. This diagnosis explained his unique needs and why he stayed with us at the center, even as other pigs moved to Sunny Green Acres—Barley couldn’t process the heat due to his condition.

Barley wasn’t just any pig; he was a pig with a personality that could light up any room. He loved receiving pets, would blow kisses on command, eagerly sit for treats, and had a special bond with Jack, his favorite human. Barley’s intelligence and affectionate nature made him a favorite among visitors and staff alike, teaching us all a valuable lesson about the emotional and intellectual depth of pigs.

Educational Spotlight on Vietnamese Potbelly Pigs:
Vietnamese Potbelly Pigs are known for their intelligence, often compared to that of a three-year-old human child. They possess a remarkable capacity for learning tricks, understanding human commands, and forming deep bonds with their caregivers. Their sociability and cleverness make them unique pets and companions.

Conservation and Care:
Barley’s story highlights the importance of proper care and understanding of the needs of exotic pets. It also brings to light the broader issue of pet diabetes, emphasizing the need for awareness and early detection. In memory of Barley, we advocate for the welfare of all animals, promoting responsible pet ownership and the conservation of their natural habitats.

Barley’s legacy lives on through our continued efforts to educate the public about the remarkable nature of animals like him. Let us remember Barley not just as a Vietnamese Potbelly Pig with diabetes but as a beloved friend who taught us so much about love, resilience, and the surprising complexity of animal lives.

Rest in peace, sweet Barley. Your spirit will always be a part of the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center.


It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of the tragic loss of Zion, our cherished Genet, in the recent fire that swept through our facility. Zion was not just an animal under our care; he was a symbol of the beauty and fragility of nature, teaching us all invaluable lessons about the world we share with such incredible creatures.

Conservation & Education:
Zion played a pivotal role in our educational programs, helping to raise awareness about Genets, small carnivorous mammals native to Africa, and parts of Europe and the Middle East. Through Zion, we were able to teach about the critical need for habitat conservation, as Genets rely on dense vegetation for survival. These elusive creatures face threats from habitat destruction, hunting, and the pet trade, highlighting the importance of our conservation efforts.

As we mourn Zion, we are reminded more than ever of our mission: to educate about and conserve the natural world. Our temporary location is a testament to our commitment to continue this mission against all odds. However, the clock is ticking, and our resources are stretched thin as our permanent building is still under construction.

Zion’s legacy is a reminder of the impact each individual can have on our world. Let’s honor him by coming together to support the cause he represented: a world where humans live in harmony with nature, preserving it for generations to come.
Your support can turn the tide for conservation and education. Together, we can make a difference.


Meet Marty, a striking member of our family at the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center! Marty is a Costa Rican Zebra, or Stripe Knee, Tarantula, known for her captivating black and white striped legs that resemble the pattern of a zebra. These tarantulas are not just a marvel to look at but are also fascinating creatures that play a vital role in the ecosystem.

Why Costa Rican Zebra Tarantulas?
Costa Rican Zebra Tarantulas are native to Central America, particularly thriving in the forests of Costa Rica. They’re sought after in the pet trade for their docile nature and striking appearance, making them a popular choice for tarantula enthusiasts.

Educational Insight:
Size & Habitat: These tarantulas can reach a leg span of up to 4-5 inches. They prefer humid environments and typically dwell on the forest floor, where they can blend in with the leaf litter.

With proper care, these tarantulas can live for up to 20 years, making them a long-term commitment as pets.

Conservation & Care:
Preserving their natural habitats is crucial for the survival of species like the Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula. Deforestation and habitat destruction pose significant threats to their existence. By fostering an understanding and appreciation for these creatures, we can inspire conservation efforts to protect their wild counterparts.

A Mother’s Love:
One of the most remarkable aspects of the Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula is their maternal instincts. Female tarantulas are known to be nurturing mothers, meticulously caring for their eggs until they hatch and even after, demonstrating a side to spiders that often goes unnoticed.

At the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center, Marty serves as an ambassador, helping to debunk myths about tarantulas and showcasing the gentle nature of these misunderstood creatures. By learning about tarantulas like Marty, we hope to foster a greater appreciation for all aspects of wildlife, encouraging conservation and responsible pet ownership.

Come visit us to meet Marty and learn more about the incredible world of tarantulas and the efforts being made to conserve their natural habitats. Your visit supports our mission to educate, conserve, and provide a loving home to exotic animals in need.


Harry, Our Hairy Desert Scorpion

Meet Harry, our stunning Hairy Desert Scorpion, a true survivor alongside our majestic Emperor Scorpion. These fascinating creatures are not just a sight to behold but also a lesson in the beauty and resilience of nature.

Harry hails from the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East, thriving in some of the harshest conditions on Earth. Our Emperor Scorpion, on the other hand, calls the tropical rainforests of West Africa home. These diverse habitats highlight the incredible adaptability of scorpions.

Size Matters:
Despite their daunting appearance, Hairy Desert Scorpions are relatively small, usually reaching about 4 inches in length. The Emperor Scorpion, however, can grow up to 8 inches, making it one of the largest scorpion species!

These arachnids have quite a long life for their size. Hairy Desert Scorpions can live up to 5-8 years, while Emperor Scorpions have a lifespan of 6-8 years, sometimes even longer in captivity with proper care.

Conservation & Education:
Our goal is not just to showcase these incredible creatures but also to educate about their roles in their ecosystems. Scorpions, like Harry and our Emperor friend, are essential for controlling pest populations and are indicators of environmental health. By learning about them, we hope to foster a greater appreciation for the importance of biodiversity and conservation efforts.

Meet Grump, Our Uromastyx Resident!

Grump the Uromastyx was surrendered shortly after his owner purchased him. He couldn’t get him to eat and gave up trying. These remarkable lizards are a popular choice among exotic pet enthusiasts, and here’s why:

A Desert Jewel:
Uromastyx, also known as spiny-tailed lizards, hail from the arid and semi-arid regions of North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. Their vivid colors and peaceful nature make them a fascinating subject for pet lovers.

Why Uromastyx Make Great Pets:Known for their docile temperament, Uromastyx are a favorite for those looking to add a unique reptile to their family. They are relatively easy to care for, given the right environment that mimics their natural desert habitat.

Size & Lifespan:
Depending on the species, Uromastyx can range from 10 to 30 inches in length. With proper care, these resilient lizards can live for 15-20 years, offering companionship for many years.

Conservation & Care:
Owning a Uromastyx comes with a responsibility to provide a diet primarily of leafy greens, adequate heat, and UVB lighting to mimic their natural habitat. Our goal is not only to care for these unique creatures but also to educate the public on the importance of responsible pet ownership and the role each species plays in our world’s biodiversity.

As we continue to welcome more exotic pets in need of homes, we invite you to learn more about our efforts in conservation and education. Your support helps us make a difference in the lives of these incredible animals.

Dobby, Kreature, Deek

Have you ever met Dobby, Kreature, or Deek? These aren’t your ordinary companions; they’re our remarkable hairless rats, each with their own personality and charm!  At the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center, we’re all about showcasing the beauty and diversity of wildlife, and these little guys are no exception.

Why Hairless?
Hairless rats are a fascinating example of genetic variation, stemming from a specific gene that results in their unique appearance. Despite their lack of fur, they’re just as cuddly and affectionate as their furry counterparts!

Clean and Caring:
Contrary to common misconceptions, rats are incredibly clean animals. They spend several hours each day grooming themselves and their buddies, making them one of the tidiest pets around. Plus, their intelligence and affectionate nature make them wonderful companions who love interacting with humans and other rats.

A Heart for Conservation:
By learning about animals like Dobby, Kreature, and Deek, we’re reminded of the importance of genetic diversity and the role every creature plays in our ecosystem. Conservation starts with education, and understanding the unique traits and behaviors of even the smallest animals can inspire us to protect their habitats and ensure their survival for generations to come.

Why We Love Them:
Beyond their educational value, hairless rats are a testament to the loving bonds that can form between humans and animals. Their playful, loving nature and the joy they bring to our center are a daily reminder of why we do what we do.

Come visit us and get to know Dobby, Kreature, and Deek up close! Discover the world of hairless rats and why they’re an adorable part of our animal family. Let’s celebrate the wonders of wildlife together!

Meet Our Tortoise Family: Oogway, Milo, and Stretch at the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center!

We’re excited to introduce you to the unique members of our tortoise family – Oogway the Red Footed Tortoise, Milo the Sulcata Tortoise, and Stretch the Elongated Tortoise. Each of these tortoises offers a glimpse into the diverse world of these fascinating reptiles.

A Closer Look at Our Tortoise Trio:
Red Foot Tortoise (Oogway): Oogway, with his charming red-scaled legs, is a beautiful representation of his species. These tortoises are known for their friendly nature and enjoy a varied diet. They are crucial for their ecosystems, helping in seed dispersion and vegetation maintenance.

Sulcata Tortoise (Milo): Milo, our impressive Sulcata Tortoise, is one of the largest tortoise species. Native to Africa’s dry regions, they are extraordinary diggers, creating extensive burrows that offer refuge to other wildlife. As herbivores, they play a significant role in their habitats.

Elongated Tortoise (Stretch): Stretch, our Elongated Tortoise, is known for his unique, elongated shell. They inhabit various environments, from dry zones to dense rainforests in Asia. These tortoises are vital for their ecosystems, especially in seed dispersal, helping to maintain a balance in vegetation.

Conservation and Our Educational Mission:
Each tortoise at our center highlights the importance of preserving their natural habitats and understanding the diversity of tortoise species. We strive to provide environments that closely resemble their native habitats, ensuring their optimum health and wellness.


Samson & Delilah

Samson and Delilah, our enchanting pair of Love Birds who have become symbols of resilience and love at our sanctuary. Surrendered to us a year ago, they miraculously survived the devastating fire that impacted our facility, proving that love truly conquers all.

Origin and Conservation:
Love Birds are small, vibrant parrots native to the forests and savannas of Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar. Known for their monogamous pairings, these birds form strong bonds with their partners, often seen sitting closely and grooming each other, embodying the essence of love and companionship.

Education on Mating and Conservation:
Love Birds mate for life, showcasing remarkable loyalty and affection towards their partners. This fascinating behavior provides an engaging way to educate about the importance of companionship in the animal kingdom. However, their wild populations face threats from habitat loss and the pet trade, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts to protect these colorful creatures and their natural habitats.

Urgent Call for Support:
As we celebrate love this month, our love for our animals and commitment to conservation remains unwavering. However, we find ourselves in a critical situation. Our temporary location, generously donated for the last 6 months, will soon no longer be available. We must relocate by the end of March, but our permanent building is still under construction and will not be ready in time.

Show Your Love:
We need your help now more than ever. Here’s how you can show your love for our mission and our animals:

Donate: Your financial support will help us secure a new temporary home for Samson, Delilah, and all our animals, ensuring their safety and care during this transition.

Visit Us: Come meet Samson and Delilah at our temporary location. Your visit not only supports us financially but also raises awareness about our conservation efforts.

Our journey is a testament to the power of love and resilience, and with your help, we can continue to make a difference. Let’s come together this month of love to support a cause that touches the hearts of many. Your support ensures that our love for animals and dedication to conservation never ends.

Together, we can overcome any obstacle. Show your love, support our mission

Freckles, Spot and Jack

Remembering Freckles, Spot, and Jack: A Tribute to Our Beloved Atlantic Stingrays and Horned Shark at the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center

Greetings, ocean lovers! Today, we pay tribute to Freckles and Spot, our cherished Atlantic Stingrays, and Jack, our admirable Horned Shark, who we tragically lost in the recent fire due to freshwater intrusion in their tank.

 Did you know there are over 200 species of stingrays? Our beloved Freckles and Spot were Atlantic Stingrays, a species known for their small size, typically not exceeding 24 inches in width. These gentle creatures are commonly found in the coastal waters of the western Atlantic, thriving in both salt and freshwater environments.

 Jack, our Horned Shark, was equally special. Known for their short, blunt head with high ridges above the eyes (hence the name ‘horned’), these sharks are typically found in the Pacific Ocean. Unlike their larger cousins, Horned Sharks are small, reaching only about 3.3 feet in length and preferring to stay in shallow waters.

 Both species play critical roles in their ecosystems. Atlantic Stingrays help maintain the health of seabeds, while Horned Sharks contribute to controlling prey populations. Their conservation is vital for the balance of marine life.

The loss of Freckles, Spot, and Jack in the fire was not just a loss for our center, but a reminder of the fragility of marine ecosystems.

 We now face the challenge of rebuilding our aquarium, vital for our coral propagation and lionfish educational program. The cost for new, sustainable equipment is at least a minimum of  $15,000.

Here’s how you can help:
Visit our temporary location.

Please consider donating to our fund at Your support will be instrumental in helping us rebuild and continue our mission of marine education and conservation.

Together, we can honor the memory of Freckles, Spot, and Jack by rebuilding a facility that continues to educate and inspire care for our oceanic world.

Remembering Chi Chi, Our Beloved Black Velvet Chinchilla

In 2017, we welcomed an extraordinary soul into our care – Chi Chi, a resilient black velvet chinchilla with a heartwarming story.

Chi Chi arrived at our center injured, his delicate tail had been accidentally stepped on, and his fur had been pulled off. We couldn’t let him suffer, so we rushed him to our vet for proper care and attention.

Over the years, Chi Chi charmed us with his unique personality and unyielding spirit. He became an ambassador for chinchillas, a species facing challenges in the wild due to habitat loss and the fur trade.

Chinchillas, known for their luxuriously soft fur, are native to the Andes Mountains in South America. Their fur comes in a variety of stunning colors, from gray and beige to black velvet, like Chi Chi. Their fur, though beautiful, has led to their overexploitation and endangerment in the wild.

Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these adorable creatures and their habitats. By sharing Chi Chi’s story, we aim to raise awareness about chinchilla conservation and the importance of preserving their natural environment.

Sadly, we must share the heartbreaking news that Chi Chi was lost in the recent fire that struck our center. His memory will forever remain etched in our hearts, a testament to the resilience and strength of all the incredible animals we care for.

We invite you to remember Chi Chi with us and honor his legacy. Your support, whether through a visit, a donation, or your volunteer efforts, allows us to continue providing love and care to animals like Chi Chi, who have touched our lives in such profound ways and to further our mission of chinchilla conservation and education.

Chi Chi, you will forever be a cherished part of our Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center family. Rest in peace, sweet friend.

Roma & Flower

Remembering Roma and Flower, our lavender and chocolate skunks who found a loving home at the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center. These unique creatures not only brought us joy but also highlighted the beauty of albinism in wildlife. Now, as we mourn their loss, we need your help to continue our mission of wildlife conservation.

Roma and Flower, with their distinct colors, showcased the wonders of albinism in animals. Albinism, a rare condition affecting pigmentation, serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity found in nature. By appreciating and protecting these unique individuals, we can celebrate the richness of our natural world.

Sadly, we lost Roma and Flower in a devastating fire. Their absence leaves a void in our hearts, but their memory fuels our dedication to conservation. Their story reminds us of the fragility of wildlife and the urgent need to safeguard their habitats.

Now, more than ever, we need your support to ensure that our mission continues. By donating to the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center, you contribute to the preservation of species like Roma and Flower, and the habitats they rely on for survival.

Let’s honor Roma and Flower’s memory by becoming stewards of wildlife conservation. Together, we can make a lasting impact. By supporting organizations dedicated to conservation efforts, raising awareness, and promoting responsible actions, we can protect the incredible diversity of life on our planet.

Join us in our mission to protect and preserve wildlife. Together, we can create a better future for these remarkable animals and their habitats, ensuring that future generations can witness the beauty of nature firsthand.


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